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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

In a hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber, the air pressure is increased two to three times higher than normal air pressure. Under these conditions, your lungs can gather much more oxygen than would be possible at normal air pressure. When your blood carries this extra oxygen throughout your body, this helps fight bacteria and stimulate the release of substances called growth factors and stem cells, which promote healing.



-Accelerates Healing & Recovery from surgery, injury, infection
-Reduces Inflammation & pain (Fibromyalgia, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, TMJ, Diabetic Neuropathy)
-Increases mitochondrial production (energy, sleep, stamina)
-Improves Neurological Disorders (Migraines, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s Disease)


A Hyperbaric Oxygen session is a total of 90 minutes in a pressure tight chamber. As the air pressure rises, you might notice your ears trying to equalize. It’s best to spend at least 5 minutes to raise to max pressure and lower back to regular pressure although for many patients the most comfortable pressure change is over 10-15 minutes. You will stay in the chamber at max pressure for one hour. This therapy can be done as often as 2-3 times per week or as little as once a week.



A 90 minute session is $95, or you can purchase a package of 3 sessions for $225.


Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is generally well tolerated by most patients, however, there are some things that are contraindicated. You CAN NOT do Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy if you have any of the following symptoms or conditions:


-Injury, infection or surgery to eyes, ears, sinuses or lungs including but not limited to;
Cataracts or Lasik eye surgery, inability to equalize ears, tubes in your ears, middle ear infection, rupture of ear drum, sinus congestion, upper respiratory tract infection, Asthma, COPD, thoracic surgery, pneumonia, pulmonary edema or pulmonary lesions, Pregnant or possibility of being pregnant, or if you have an Implanted Battery-operated Device (Pacemaker, Defibrillator, Pain Pump or Diabetic Pump).


-Patient must be able to stay in a laying possession for at least 90 minutes without access to sitting up or standing for restroom, medications, pain or any other need including but not limited to…
If patient suffers from claustrophobia, anxiety, has history of seizures, diabetes that requires monitoring or medication hourly, chronic pain which requires readjusting positions often or severe bladder incontinence.


-Taking certain medications recently: Disulfram, Bleomycin, Sulfamylon Cream, Cisplatin or Doxorubin.

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